THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2022, 7:00 P.M.
On Thursday, March 24, 2022, Society President John Miller welcomed 37 members and guests and called the 2022 Annual Meeting to order shortly after 7 p.m. at Providence Baptist Church on Gardner Road.
SECRETARY’S REPORT. Secretary Patricia Custer noted there were no previous minutes to approve because the 2020 and 2021 annual meetings had been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
TREASURER’S REPORT was approved as presented by Treasurer Mary Mitchell.
With the assistance of the various event and committee chairs, Vice President Larry Claus presented a Power Point highlighting the Society’s activities of 2021. Jeannie Gore talked about the chicken dinner and sunflower sale. Mary Mitchell remarked about the garage sale, Scout walk, and cemetery walk. Pat Custer talked about the Mobile Museum.
Alicia Robles updated members on the Tremont House renovation and our project goals for 2022. She also announced upcoming special events for 2022.
Pat Custer talked about item collections and the Annex organization, with special thanks to intern Jared Schnee. Pat also explained to the crowd what our ongoing volunteer needs are.
John Miller then conducted the election of the 2022 board members. Current Board members Larry Claus, Pat Custer, Jeannie Gore, Mary Mitchell, and Alicia Robles were reelected to two-year terms, to expire in 2024 (Larry Gardner 1st, Melissa Creston 2nd). New director Beth Patten-Bailey was nominated from the floor and elected for a one-year term per our bylaws (Jeannie Gore 1st, Mary Mitchell 2nd). The following slate of officers for 2022 was approved as presented (Melissa Creston 1st, Mary Magyar 2nd): President Jeannie Gore, Vice President Alicia Robles, Treasurer Mary Mitchell, and Secretary Pat Custer. Another current Director, Dale Hoffman, and outgoing director Mary Shelley were unable to be present tonight.
As outgoing president, John Miller then adjourned the business meeting. Larry Claus introduced our speaker, Larry Michaels, who gave an interesting presentation titled Bellevue, Then and Now. Following the speaker, Jeannie Gore raffled off the door prize which was a Bellevue plaque that had been purchased from the Firelands Historical Society and donated by one of our members, Rita Dever. Jeannie thanked everyone for coming, whereupon we were all invited to enjoy light refreshments.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Custer, Secretary