The Bellevue Historical Society is setting up at at
Bubbarock Meat Co.
June 17th located at
1606 W. Main Street, Bellevue.
Bubbarock has graciously allowed us to promote our fundraising ticket sales at their location for our upcoming Sunflower Sale in July and our Win A Dessert a Month for a Year!
There's still time to get your tickets and we encourage all of you to stop out and enjoy Bubbarocks old-world style butcher shop with a 42' long full service meat case filled with fresh meats, smoke meats and so much more. They also feature hot and ready lunch specials and a sandwich shop so you can grab some lunch and pickup supper in one trip.
So get ready for the BUBBAROCK "Experience" and purchase your Sunflower Sale tickets and Win A Dessert a Month tickets all in one stop!
See you soon!